Froze. // 20150605 //
0 XX
I'm at an age where getting news about weddings, newborns, new homes - is what they call the-new-normal. This phase in my life seems all bright and dreamy, it must annoy the heck outta people who are single, having trouble conceiving, and still living with their moms.
I am the kind of person who is able to adjust to many life's cruelties with surprising speed. I myself find it amusing at how quickly things that seem intolerable at first, eventually become things that I learn to live with. As good as I am at drawing a pretty silver lining around otherwise dark moment, there is one particular life's pain that I feel weak and stupid about pondering - death.
I lost a friend, the very day King Shen and I turned two. I've lost a few people in the past, but this one is the first whose death personally affected me. I was beside his death bed, comforting his devastated mother, observing tubes and machines that kept him breathing, then I went outside and all I saw was space.
I froze.

That was on my timeline two days before said event. He got the date wrong. Al Fatihah.
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