feeling alien. // 20120503 //

If there’s one thing that make me uncomfortable, its walking into a room full of people already in mid-swing. Not that I have much choice. I guess these are the people they actively sought out for company or amusement. I end up feeling that those who are there already consider me as an intruder, someone who doesn’t really belong and who’s screwing up their merriment.

Feeling alien and completely judged as they flicked their eyes over me and preparing to smile, it struck me how I couldnt quite bother to put the 'social face' on but unquestioningly accepted other people's artifices as just as charming part of their personalities. occasionally making deliberate eye contact and making it seemed like i was laughing to myself, i spent time glancing less and less discreetly at the time on my blackberry to see when i could go home.

I swear all i wanted was the earth to open up and swallow me whole.


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