flood of thoughts. // 20120506 //
while been busy doing....well nothing particularly fruitful, its been actually lovely chilling to my own schedule. its nice to slow down for a change; feels like calmness flood through me like water. filled with an overwhelming sense of relief, an idyllic last-minute weekend getaway trip miraculously happened. amazing how perspective can change after a quick trip.
read more on that
here ,
here and
also i have this love-hate thing going with the hometown, well essentially i am a city person; thrive on action, on people moving rapidly around me, on drinking coffee with music turned up to deafening levels, even on traffic jams, all evidence to the contrary. so i guess a weekend of being away is all i can take and i guess every now and then its important to do what you want and just screw everyone else.
Pangkor Island, Perak via Anne.
Labels: rant, travel
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