two o eleven. // 20110123 //
2010 was quite exciting. the ups and downs, jumpy nerves, detachments, new faces, different environment and my most favourite is the unbelievable strength i had in me constantly making progress purifying downfalls. enough about the past.
less past, more future.
im very close to entering into my own sickly comfort zone, loathing myself for sometimes believing that what i had might just be it. pushing me to stay in bed, inactive, incapacitated. this is normal. and i think normal is death. normal is oblivion. normal is a painful pin reminding us that we're satisfied living for ourselves.
everybody has bad phases. writers call it writers' block, advertisers call it a dead-end day. but i do know this, wealth and joy come not easily to the lazy. routine rules us all. well, most of us. i reject routines. i had made few things that had been vague and ill-defined, personal and pointed just so i'd ignite, overcome and let go. i wish there'd be a quack psychiatrist who recommends 'free laughter' and 'hourly smiling' as solutions to a life of banality.
but life as we know it, is all up to us; we're on our own.
Labels: new year, rant
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