damage control. // 20101125 //

1. meritocracy; i have an unforgiving attitude toward that. each criterion is marked on a scale of one to five where five is awesome and one is deep shit. i would like to think that everything really boils down to that; you score big, you win big. i tolerate bullshit, but not those who are proud of it.

2. art always imitate life. my kind of art must be big, beautiful and bold; persuasive, vivacous, uncomplicated with sexual presence and mildly suggestive in communication. recently told, my life is exactly that; nothing that im not proud of.

3. i hate liking things that make me hate myself. i hate to struggle pretending to have a nimble mind in situations to immediately unleash my on-the-feet thinking abilities just so i wont appear pathethic and eager. i love friends who always listen to my pathetic self, but hate them for pointing out the absolute truth of it.

ps: having planned to book tickets on the very day those koreans felt bored and ignited a damn war is presposterous!! three months, stuck here in malaysia; the gallant thing would have been to go else where for winter but .... wherrrre?!


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