unreality of myths. // 20101005 //
you see, there are people in this world, attempting to make reality of their lives conform to the unreality of myths. i believe, living in denial, thinking the world revolves around you, is a famous myth an all round mediocre type would fall into. in order to uphold the 'good' name, they would immediately conjure up terrible visions in their minds, which sound sophomoric in my head, and even worse out loud.writtings that are inspired by stupid-hate-outburst of blind rage by attention whores should just be kept as accumulated tattered notebooks rather than making them all public; like you're willingly making the whole world giggle at your foolish indignition.
point being; this vague act of constantly linking my posts to yours is a bit pathetic, i must say. my words are my own; i dont enable comments just to prove im not self-involved and publicly heard; let alone need any form of reply-post in some blog. so what is this really?
grow up. seriously!
Labels: rant
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