the engagement. // 20130324 //
Its the month before brother's wedding. For some strange reason, everyone decides to get married this year. My family have gone through three weddings already, since January - a cousin's wedding, another cousin's wedding and another cousin's wedding, and now my brother's, which will be followed by mine very very soon.
Parents recently threw me an engagement ceremony. We were not even aware that our 'merisik' session had somehow became formal. Although I did not have any major worries about being engaged; it was the thought of being the center of attention that scared the heck out of me. Add on the fact that some of my family are judgemental gossip-hounds, who love to nitpick every details of an event apart for sheer entertainment.
I am glad it happened, the engagement. It kinda gave this part of my life a slight nudge. A day with this feeling of celebration in the air, of happy anticipation and everyone sort of looked different, like little sparks seemed to burst off their skin and fill the air
and King, burst with delight.
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