in the absence of light. // 20121003 //

That night we were on a boat in pitch black, amazed by the sight of nature flickering in the night, hovering over mangrove trees along the river bank; like seeing teeny bright stars up in the darkest sky slowly making their way down to us. Just one of those 'for our eyes only' moment, where even the best performance camera fails to capture.

That's firefly watching in Cherating, in case you wonder.

We just sat there in the absence of light, not really talking, not even looking at each other, just enjoying the moment. The kind of feeling thats so overwhelming it scares you. I wouldnt describe it as happiness; its beyond that. Its comforting to be around someone who already know your stories, who can cut through the bullshit and tell you exactly what they think of you and know your mistakes and love you just the same.

Oh, we're getting married. Pop that confetti!
The King; Telok Chempedak, Kuantan.

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